Ep.40. ‘Creative Momentum: Finding Your Way Through the Messy Middle’

The Art of Creative Living Podcast

#3 in Australian Creativity Podcasts

As seen in Feedspot’s 20 Best Australia Creativity Podcasts

‘Creative Momentum: Finding your way through the Messy Middle’

Let's delve into the 'messy middle' of creative projects! Join Beth and me (Nicola) as we discuss our personal experiences and strategies to push forward.

We delve into self-awareness including understanding one's own personality traits and energies which helps in personalising the creative process. Beth explains how having a clear vision of the final outcome can keep you motivated. We emphasize the importance of setting boundaries and prioritising the creative process.

We also discuss the significance of remaining flexible and adaptive, and how sideways movement can be an integral part of the process, with challenges overcome often leading to substantial periods of rapid progress. Other aspects covered are the importance of self-compassion, embracing a sense of safety, understanding life circumstances, celebrating small wins, and wisely investing in skills and supplies that make the process easier.

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Welcome to Episode 40 of Nic and Beth's Chats, titled 'Creative Momentum: Finding Your Way Through the Messy Middle.'

In this episode, hosts Nic and Beth explore the intricacies of navigating through the challenging phase of any creative project known as the "messy middle." They share personal insights, strategies, and inspirational stories to help listeners find momentum and bring their creative endeavours to completion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing the Messy Middle: Discover how Nic and Beth tackle the often overwhelming middle phase of creative projects, using it as an opportunity for growth and discovery.

  • Personal Insights: Learn from Beth's shift in perspective at the start of the year, leading her to progress significantly in her project. Nic shares her experiences of encountering firsts, from hospital stays to cyclones, and how these shaped her creative process.

  • Celebrating Self-Awareness: Nic and Beth emphasize the importance of self-awareness in the creative process, discussing how understanding personal rhythms, like the menstrual cycle or daily energy fluctuations, can enhance productivity and creativity.

  • Literary Inspirations: Get a glimpse into the hosts' current reads and how these books fuel their creative energies and offer new perspectives.

  • Frameworks and Strategies: The hosts introduce frameworks to help navigate the creative process, focusing on understanding self, the nature of the project, and the process itself.

  • Cultivating Creative Environments: Learn how adjusting your environment, like changing workspaces or establishing rituals, can invigorate your creative journey.

  • Accountability and Support: Discover the power of community and accountability, as Beth shares her experience with a writing group that provided motivation and support through her project's challenging phases.

  • Embracing Variety: Nic and Beth discuss the importance of introducing variety and breaking routines to maintain excitement and interest in your work.

  • Valuing the Journey: The hosts reflect on how every step, even the ones that seem sideways or unproductive, contributes to the overall creative process and leads to significant breakthroughs.

Episode Highlights:

  • Beth's transformative experience with her project at the start of the year.

  • Nic's adventurous start to the year and how it influenced her creativity.

  • In-depth discussion on the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's rhythms and needs.

  • Insights into the hosts' current reading lists and how these books are shaping their creative thoughts.

  • Practical strategies and frameworks for navigating through the messy middle of creative projects.

  • The significance of accountability and community in sustaining creative momentum.

  • Encouragement to embrace variety and adaptability in the creative process.


'Creative Momentum: Finding Your Way Through the Messy Middle' is a deep dive into the complexities and joys of the creative process. Nic and Beth offer listeners a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and personal stories to inspire and guide them through their creative endeavors. Tune in to discover how you can harness your unique energies, cultivate a supportive environment, and find joy in the journey of bringing your creative projects to life.

Creating Support through Creative Communities:

One such community is my supportive online space, the Creative Hearts Community, where creatives regularly connect through activities like writing sessions, virtual creative retreats, and engaging in enlightening conversations about the creative process. They build each other up, offering ‘believing mirrors’ to one another, reflecting the brilliance and potential in each individual.

You’re welcome to join us there.

Links and Resources:

The Money Club by Fiona Lowe

Heart Medicine by Radhule Weininger

Living the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Lady Elliot Island Art of Creative Living Retreat Information

Let’s Connect!

  1. Share your retreat experiences or plans with us on Instagram at @write.away.with.me and @nicolanewman_

  2. Subscribe to our podcast for more discussions on creativity!

Acknowledgement of Country

I’d like to pay deep respect to the Juru people of the Birri Gubba Nation as the traditional and ongoing custodians of the land where I record this podcast today and acknowledge their incredible, strong and ongoing connection to the lands, waters and community.

I thank them for the custodianship, care and love they have given to this area, extending from the countryside right out to the Great Barrier Reef. I love seeing the green sea turtles in this region and knowing they have been cared for by the Gudjuda Rangers. I thank the Elders, past and present and the entire Juru and Bindal communities for the valuable and generous contribution they make to our region.

~ Nicola Newman

I’d like to pay homage to the traditional and ongoing custodians of the land on which I live and work, The Bunerong people of the Kulin Nation. I feel tremendously grateful for their strong culture of storytelling and the spirit of place I find in my favourite place to write, Rickett’s Point. This part of the bay is a haven for bird and marine life - blue wrens, parrots and black swans. I thank the Elders, past and present and the whole Wurundjeri community for the valuable and generous contribution they make to our region.

~ Beth Cregan

We acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. And we extend a special welcome to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who may be joining us today.

Always was, and always will be Aboriginal Land.

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Your review will help the show find its way to more people who want to prioritise, nurture and express their creativity, be kind to themselves and live intentional, creative and fulfilling lives.

Thank you for helping to spread the inspiration.

With my warmest wishes,


About the Hosts

Nicola Newman is a creative business coach, award-winning artist and creative living mentor. As host of The Art of Creative Living Podcast and founder of the Creative Hearts Community, Nicola’s passion is inspiring and supporting Creative Hearts to build loving relationships with themselves, express their creativity, trust their inner wisdom and carve out a life that’s personally meaningful and fulfilling to them.

She offers multiple resources for educating, inspiring, and supporting Creative Hearts. You are invited to take her free Creative Archetype Quiz, join her free Art of Creative Living mini-course, sign up for her Inspiration Letters and nurture your creativity through her online courses, coaching programs and retreats. 

Nicola’s creative business coaching is tailored to support sensitive, heart-led creatives to develop, grow, and expand their creative offerings. Her approach is to embrace gentleness, playfulness and self-care to navigate self-doubt and instead cultivate deep self-trust so you can truly enjoy the creative process, bring together your body of work, make money doing what you love and leave a creative legacy you’re proud of.


Beth Cregan

Fourteen years ago, Beth Cregan, an experienced teacher, combined her passion for creativity with her love of writing to launch her business Write Away With Me. Since then, her high energy workshops have inspired thousands of young writers to find their voice, stretch their writing skills and connect with their inner storyteller!

Beth presents writing workshops for young writers and adults alike, both in Australia and internationally, as well as professional development workshops for teachers and school communities.

Her first book, Time to Write: A Powerful Writing Practice for your Classroom published by Amba Press ( 2021), recognises that writing is a dynamic, essential life skill. It’s packed full of strategies, resources and hands-on activities to bring writing to life in our schools!

Beth lives in Melbourne, Australia and when she is not writing or teaching, you’ll find her reading, painting, rummaging in her veggie garden or hiking in a forest somewhere, hugging trees.

For more information about working with Beth, visit: Write Away With Me

Connect with Beth Cregan on:

Instagram: Write Away With Me

Facebook: Write Away With Me

Linked In: Beth Cregan

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