Ep.5. High Sensitivity & Taking Care of Your Energy with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

A few years ago, Katherine Mackenzie-Smith had me as a guest on her wonderful podcast The League of Extraordinary Introverts, and the hour-long conversation we had, while I was curled up in my campervan at the time, felt like I was talking with a long lost friend -- even though we'd never met.

We are so similar (both INFJs on the Myers Briggs personality test and both highly sensitive people - you can take the test here to see if you are too), it almost feels like I'm talking to myself when I'm talking with Katherine.

High sensitivity is a subject I wanted to include in Flourish: The Art of Creative Living, as it is very common for very creative people to also be highly sensitive. We need to process things, and creativity is a great vehicle for doing so. We also tend to notice colours, our environment and other sensations, including appreciating beauty in a heightened way.I discovered I was highly sensitive a couple of years ago when my friend Hayley Carr put me onto books by Elaine Aron about the subject.

If you've never heard of the research that's been done around people who are highly sensitive, you may like to take a look at Elaine's website and learn more.

Discovering Elaine's work has changed the way I understand and accept myself - including the quirks I've always known I had but didn't realise others had too. Having this understanding has led to a greater acceptance of what I need to flourish - a softening towards myself that is priceless.

About 20% of the population are highly sensitive, so even if you aren't, someone you love probably is and it's so handy to have an understanding about this interesting trait.

With Katherine's experience supporting people who are introverted or highly sensitive, I knew she would be an incredible Guest Teacher in Flourish. But today, we focus on how she takes care of her energy in relation to her work and life.

I hope you enjoy the practices she shares to help take care of your energy and also embrace what you personally need in order to flourish, as you soak up Katherine's wisdom in this episode.

Episode #5. High Sensitivity & Taking Care of Your Energy with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

Today I’m joined by the awesome Katherine McKenzie-Smith, a business and leadership coach, writer, and speaker who is a champion for introverted and highly sensitive leaders to find their own way to shine.

We dig into her routine and how she follows her heart, finds courage in the face of fear and creates more in her business and life. We also explore what it is to be highly sensitive and if you are a highly sensitive person, some handy tools to help support and manage your energy in the world.

Katherine is a Guest Teacher in my year-long creativity school, Flourish: The Art of Creative Living and she has so much wisdom to share when it comes to taking care of your nervous system, working in a way that lights you up and embracing who you are and how you work best, so I’m really thrilled to share this one with you today.

Let’s dive right in.

Click play to listen {1hr 18mins}

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS | SpotifyIn this episode, we explore:

  • How Katherine listens to her heart and chooses what to focus on in her business

  • When fears come up, what she relies on to help her find the courage to move forward

  • What drew her to working with introverted and highly sensitive people.

  • How she fosters an authentic connection with her community

  • What tools, processes or systems she uses to keep her on track and get all her creative projects done

  • Does she take time off? What does that look like and how does she plan for it?

  • What is bringing her the most joy in her life and work

  • What stresses her out and how she deals with it

  • Where she finds inspiration

  • How she cultivates playfulness, rest and joy in her life & work

  • What advice she has for any heart-centred, gentle folks who are thinking of starting a business

  • And finally, her advice for any heart-centred entrepreneurs who want to pivot their business in a new direction but may be feeling nervous about doing so

Where You Can Find Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

Website | Instagram | Facebook 

Know someone who needs to hear this episode? Please be sure to pass it on!

Until next time, be gentle with yourself, nurture your creativity and follow your heart and I hope you have an awesome day ahead.

With love,

Nicola xx

PS. We are still accepting enrollments into Flourish 2019, for a short time. Find out more about my online, year-long creativity school Flourish: The Art of Creative Living here.

Nicola Newman

Artist, writer, sailor & creativity mentor - Live a Creative Life!


Ep.6. Unravelling Creative Shame


Ep.4. Joyfully Completing Creative Projects with Cassie Mendoza-Jones